io e il mare

io e il mare

venerdì 23 dicembre 2011

The Wonderful World Of Christmas

Quello che segue è un articolo in lingua inglese. Dedicato ai miei amici fuori dall'italia, o alle persone che semplicemente amano perdere due minuti della loro vita per leggermi anche in questa lingua. Ci sarà qualche errore, non sono un bilingue perfetto, mi scuso fin da subito per questo...
Ah dimenticavo, Buon Natale a tutti....

The wonderful world of Christmas, is a joy from the moment it starts…

This is the intro of popular Christmas song, but in my humble opinion it can be considered as the real deep message for this Christmas time we are living.
Crisis, misery, other sad words fill almost completely our life in the last part of this “hard” 2011. But Christmas is always there, trying to knock at human being’s heart and to enter in it, to spread its magic made of love and peace.
The imagine of the fireplace, with its embracing warm, the Christmas icona of parents, grandma and granddaddy around it, it’s something that must join people in these time of division, where everyone seems to think only about their lives, about their problems, looking as if they have a sort of screen around them
I can’t deny that some of this atmosphere ‘s been lost in these last years. I live in a big town, Milan, suffering from all the same problems Italy is facing now. As I wrote in my previous article, people faces are often “dark”, tedious, looking like a dead man walking. Christmas will come also for them.
Christmas is the best way to smile again, even when it seems hard to do. I think about children and people who suffer, maybe hospitalized. Their happiness, maybe, is someone to think about them for Christmas.
The magic of Christmas is the lost feeling of a hug. A short but easy way to feel the other’s heart beating, and the best way to feel the warm of another person. Christmas can learn us how to recover the meaning of this easy and marvellous act.
So it’s time to break up with all these words and to live the wonderful world of Christmas, a joy from the moment it starts…

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